Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Saturday, June 13

Congrats to everyone who took part in the Grillin 'n Chillin on Saturday, on on the great runs that went down all night at RUTS, amazing distances, lots of age group and overall trophies at both of these events!

Good Luck to everyone sticking around this weekend for the Colon Run on Saturday, have a great run!

Eastside Route this week, below is a 14 mile route with a 12 mile turnoff option. Next week I will be posting the Evansville 1/2 marathon route,  this will be a fully supported preview much like last year, I'll have more info next week.

See You Saturday!

The Accidental Morning Runner

I don't like to refer to myself a morning runner in conversation so much because I'm always afraid that as soon as I start telling people that I'm a "morning" runner, the next day will be one of those mornings, which I will have at some point, where it just ain't going to happen and I turn off the alarm, (one of the many I set, just ask) roll over, and go back to sleep. This act will inevitably guaranty a morning filled with guilt and self defeat that I didn't get up and start the day with a run, even though I know the said run will come later in the day, I will not let up on myself until said run is done!

As the temperatures get warmer the morning becomes more of a necessity for most, including myself. I willingly admit to falling for every "How to Become a Morning Runner" email header or Facebook article only to be disappointed at the absence of the magic bullet, so to speak. For me sometimes all it takes is coming out of the office at 5:00pm into the sun and heat of the day to convince myself I made the right decision and it was worth both the effort to rise early as well as hit the pillow as the sun goes down.

It is a great feeling to be running as the sun is coming up, the sights, sounds and even smells are different, and those mornings I get to share this with someone are mornings I do cherish, but I've also come to realize it's also okay to hit the snooze, roll over and go back to sleep every once in awhile, the run will be there when your ready for it.


Upcoming Events:

Non-Running Events:

Water Stops:
3 Mile - Bayard Park/Alvord
6 Mile - Greenriver/Monroe (Ultimate Fit)
9 Mile - Lincoln/Cullen
12 Mile - Walnut/Rotherwood

14 Mile Route from YMCA 6:00am
6th to Mulberry
L on Mulberry to Kentucky
L on Kentucky to Lincoln
R on Lincoln to Rotherwood
R on Rotherwood to Bayard Park
L on Bayard to Vann
R on Vann to Covert
L on Covert to Green River Rd
L on Green River to Monroe
R on Monroe to Brentwood (at curve just passed The Carousel)
R onto Brentwood/stay to right and curve around to Washington Ave
R on Washington to Newburgh Road
R on Newburgh to Plaza Dr
L on Plaza Dr to Lincoln
L on Lincoln to Boeke
R on Boeke to Walnut
L on Walnut to MLK
R on MLK to Vine
L on Vine to 6th to Y.....14.0 miles

12 Mile Route from YMCA 6:00am
L on Washington to Cullen
R on Cullen to Lincoln
L on Lincoln to Boeke
R on Boeke to Walnut
L on Walnut to MLK
R on MLK to Vine
L on Vine to 6th to Y.....12.0 miles