Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Saturday, January 28th

It was the largest group for a Saturday run the day after any inauguration, period! Congrats this week to everyone who got out and enjoyed the unseasonable weather this past weekend, either here at home or on the trails. 

I have included a couple things at the bottom this week, a volunteer opportunity at the Indoor Tri, one is a quick read, whether your needing a New Year push or a reminder of how lucky, at least I feel, that we are to have such a great running community in Evansville/Newburgh/Henderson and that we don't have to look far for motivation, inspiration or a runny buddy, the other is the River Run Training schedule, I will once again try to incorporate as well as I can these runs into the Saturday routes.

Below is a 16, 14 and 12 mile option, those in full taper can cut as needed, enjoy this last Saturday of January as we gear up for marathon season and get ready for whatever February throws at us, and Best of Luck to those doing the Indoor Tri on Sunday.

See You Saturday!

Date: January 29, 2017
Time: 6am to noon

The Indoor Triathlon takes place at the Downtown YMCA on Sunday, January 29th from 6am to noon. It's a unique event to watch and is a great one to be a volunteer! It's chance of extreme heat, cold, or rain!

If you think you can help out, click on this registration link to view job assignments and times.  Email to help out at

Learning to Love Running

-taken from the Fleet Feet Flyer by Coach Tim Cary

I love being involved in the sport of running. Running is all about striving to be more. To be more tomorrow than we are today. To be more dedicated to health and fitness. To be more relaxed. To enjoy more time with our friends. To be more of the person we dream of being. Running is an outward expression of so many positive thoughts and emotions. I am inspired each and every day by those that are brave enough to take on the challenge to be more.

So if running is so great, why is it sometimes hard to love?

Just as you should never judge a run by the first mile, don't judge your relationship with the sport when you hit your first bout of adversity. Your relationship with running is very much a relationship: there will be good days when it seems almost easy and there will be days when you will have to work at it. Not every day will be sunshine and rainbows. So when you hit the inevitable tough day, try to think of it as an opportunity to grow and develop into a better runner and person. Make it your goal to turn your negatives into positives, and you will find your running will improve and become much more fulfilling. Train yourself to search for the constructive and helpful rather than the disappointing and defeating. Train yourself to turn adversity into opportunity.

What is the most common reason people stop running? They stop having fun. Running loses its fun when we start to look at running as a chore to be completed rather than a gift and an opportunity to improve ourselves. Remember, running is a journey, not a destination. As a coach, I love goals because they help keep us on track. At the same time though, we cannot become slaves to the achievement of those goals. The goal itself doesn’t shape you as a runner; the miles you log in pursuit of that goal do. It’s important to stop, step back, and smell the proverbial roses along the way.

Think of all the friends you’ve made through running.

The self-discovery you’ve encountered.

The early morning, pre-dawn, postcard views.

These are the things that truly make running enjoyable. These are the things that get our butts out the door when we don’t want to go.

Running itself provides inspiration to keep us going. If you can't see it, you aren't looking. The people, the scenery, the experiences—inspiration is everywhere. In people: the woman who beat cancer, the guy who lost over one hundred pounds, the man who took up running at seventy years old, the woman chasing a Boston qualifier. In the scenery: dawn on a fall morning, the sun cresting through a fog, the salty breeze and crashing waves on a beach, a silent forest with only the sound of your feet crunch the snow. Remember: the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. No matter how bad a day or a run may seem, there is always someone facing and overcoming an even greater challenge.

If you look in the mirror and don’t see the happy runner you wish you were, get out there and grab a runny buddy. Even though you will each go through a rough patch at one point or another, chances are those rough patches won’t happen at the same time. Help one another to become stronger than the sum of your parts. A running buddy—or even better, a group—will help keep the crank turning.

Now get out there and work on your relationship with running!

Tim Cary is Head Track & Field and Cross Country for Lindenwood University at Belleville and the former Fleet Feet Assistant Training Manager. Over his more than two decades of coaching, Tim has coached athletes to three national team championships, five national individual championships, two national records, and numerous All-American and All-State honors.

2017 River Run Training Schedule 

(Distances to be released at later date, all start at 7:00 AM)
Week Date Location Address
1 Feb 4th Bob's Gym Newburgh 8120 High Point Newburgh
2 Feb 11th Double Tree 601 Walnut St
3 Feb 18th Ulitmate Fit 1308 S Greenriver Rd
4 Feb 25th Yoga 101 2800 Linclon Ave
5 Mar 4th Double Tree 601 Walnut St
6 Mar 11th Ulitmate Fit 1308 S Greenriver Rd
7 Mar 18th Ri Ra's Irish Restaurant 701 NW Riverside Dr
8 Mar 25th North Park Nursing Center 650 Fairway Dr
9 Apr 1st Yoga 101 2800 Linclon Ave
10 Apr 8th Double Tree 601 Walnut St
11 Apr 15th Ultimate Fit 1308 S Greenriver Rd
12 Apr 22nd Audubon Mill Park 123 N Water St Henderson
13 Apr 29th Lamasco's Bar & Grill 1331 W Franklin St 

Water Stops:
4 mi. -Vann/Washington Ave.
8 mi. - Lincoln/Plaza Dr.
12 mi. - Franklin/Boeke (8 mi. for 12 mi. Route)

16 Mile Route:
6th to Sycamore
L on Sycamore to Garvin
R on Garvin to Bellemeade
L on Bellemeade to Rotherwood
R on Rotherwood to Bayard Park
L on Bayard Park to Vann
R on Vann to Covert
L on Covert to Green River Rd.
L on Green River to Monroe (along the side of Wash. Mall)
Continue on Monroe/Erie to Washington Ave.
R on Washington Ave. to Newburgh Rd.
R on Newburgh Rd. to Plaza Drive
L on Plaza Dr. to Lincoln Ave.
L on Lincoln to Cullen
L on Cullen to Bellemeade
R on Bellemeade to St. James
R on St. James to Walnut
L on Walnut to Boeke
R on Boeke to Franklin
L on Franklin to Alvord
L on Alvord to Walnut
R on Walnut to 2nd St.
R on 2nd to Court
R on Court to 6th...16.1 mi.

14 Mile Route:
6th to Sycamore
L on Sycamore to Garvin
R on Garvin to Bellemeade
L on Bellemeade to Rotherwood
R on Rotherwood to Bayard Park
L on Bayard Park to Vann
R on Vann to Covert
L on Covert to Green River Rd.
L on Green River to Monroe (along the side of Wash. Mall)
Continue on Monroe/Erie to Washington Ave.
R on Washington Ave. to Newburgh Rd.
R on Newburgh Rd. to Plaza Drive
L on Plaza Dr. to Lincoln Ave.
L on Lincoln to Cullen
L on Cullen to Bellemeade
R on Bellemeade to St. James
R on St. James to Walnut
R on Walnut to 6thSt.
R on 6th to the Y...14.1 

12 Mile Route:
6th to Sycamore
L on Sycamore to Garvin
R on Garvin to Bellemeade
L on Bellemeade to Rotherwood
R on Rotherwood to Bayard Park
L on Bayard Park to Vann
R on Vann to Covert
L on Covert to Professional Blvd.
L on Professional Blvd. to Washington Ave.
Cross Washington Ave. to Meadow (just to the left)
Meadow to Bellemeade
L on Bellemeade to St. James
R on St. James to Walnut
L on Walnut to Boeke
R on Boeke to Franklin
L on Franklin to Alvord
L on Alvord to Walnut
R on Walnut to 2nd St.
R on 2nd to Court

R on Court to 6th...12.1 mi.