Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Saturday, February 6th

What a way to end January, awesome weather, a great run with friends and a good breakfast! Close to 80 runners showed up on Saturday morning and made some or all of the trek from the Westside Walmart to the Eastside Cracker Barrel, it was great to see so many enjoying not only the run but the company after for breakfast. Thanks to Shari for organizing, hopefully we can do it again before summer.

Several took advantage of the great weather on Sunday and hit the trails in New Harmony. Off road shopping cart sighting? Congrats to all who took on the Indoor Tri at the Y on Sunday as well, I saw a lot of hard working people taking home a lot of hardware.

Tuesday brought Groundhogs Day, the verdict, No Shadow, an early Spring and four more weeks in the boot. Winter may soon be on it's way out so enjoy the cold temps while they are here!

River Run Training begins this Saturday, this week will be a one and three mile options from the Newburgh Bob's Gym, I will start to incorporate these runs into the weekly route the best that I can in the weeks to come for those who are interested.

We have moved into February this week and left January behind, we've started picking up a few more minutes of daylight, we will have a new Super Bowl champion by weeks end and the Spring race season is quickly approaching. At the bottom is a 14 mile route from the YMCA for Saturday, add or cut as needed, wear your beads show your support for your Super Bowl favorite and have some fun!

Safe travels and Good Luck to Ted as he heads South for the Publix Florida Marathon in Melbourne, hope you have better weather than the last bunch.

February 13th
Evansville, Indiana
Jasper, Indiana
February 13th
Marion, Illinois


Water Stops:
4 mi. - Columbia/Fulton
8 mi. - Tekopple/Mt. Vernon
12 mi. - Franklin/N. Main

14 Mile Route from the Y....7:00 a.m.
6th to Vine
L on Vine to N. Main
N. Main to Garvin Park
Loop around to the right as you enter the park and continue to Greenway entrance.
L onto the Greenway to Ulhorn (Animal Shelter)
R on Ulhorn to Fulton
L on Fulton to Columbia
R on Columbia to Wabash
R on Wabash to Maryland
L on Maryland to Mt. Auburn
R on Mt. Auburn to St. Joe
Cross St. Joe to Bement
Bement to Mesker Park
R on Mesker Park to Wimberg
L on Wimberg to Harmony Way
L on Harmony Way to Mt. Vernon
R on Mt. Vernon to Tekoppel
L on Tekoppel to Claremont
L on Claremont to Barker
L on Barker to Franklin
R on Franklin to Heidlebach
R on Heidelbach to Walnut
R on Walnut to 4th
R on 4th to Court
R on Court to 6th to Y.........14.1 miles


  1. Thanks Jeff..I will get the 12 mi. water stop at Franklin/N. Main. -Lori

  2. I will get the 4 mile water stop. Laura

  3. I will get the 8 mile water at Tekoppel/Mt. Vernon- Maria
